A pleasant surprise

287.6 lbs

Ah the joy of decreasing salt and increasing water. 4 lbs in three days.

Well anyway, yesterday went good, not as good as the day before but I came out 19 calories under my goal and was fairly active. I didn’t walk or work out really but I did move and set up my stereo in my shop. I also cleaned most of said shop, so all in all about 4 hours of good activity. This in turn was followed by a good walk already today, about 2 miles with the baby at a good pace.

Today I am also going to mow the lawn which is good for a work out due to the size of our lawn, finish cleaning the shop, and continue with the packing for the river trip.

I still feel well motivated, the blogging and calorie counting is helping cause I always like new projects and making me the project feels good. On a side note we have leaned that in our normal eating we were very low on potassium, so the next store trip need to buy some bananas.

Time for the lame motivational quote of the day, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, your right!”

Starting off on the right foot

Yesterday went well, 1000 calories under my goal. I also walked a little over a mile with the baby. We also went grocery shopping yesterday, and didn’t buy a lot of junk. I always made the excuse of “eating healthy is expensive” but in reality it’s not.

I found that eating junk in more costly cause you have to eat more to feel satisfied. Also just the amount we were eating was out of hand. I think the main reason for that was I felt because we spent so much money I didn’t want any of it to go to waste, instead of cooking the right amount of food for us we would just eat as much as we could.

Another great thing about not eating to you hurt, I woke up this morning not feeling like total crap. I hope all these things we help keep me motivated. If I can get a good activity level going in the summer it will keep me going when the winter hits. I hate being shut in for the winter it makes it go by soooo slowly. Well time to start packing for the raft trip, walk, and be another 1000 under my goal!

I wonder what it’s like to be a skinny person?

Day One, Here we go!

292 lbs

Well here we go. I got a work out and weight journal, a calorie counter app of my iPod touch, Rocky movie playing in the background as I write this to get me in the pumped up mood.

Plan for today work in the yard, take a walk with the baby, and start packing for my raft trip. I’m also going to start working on eat right size meals instead of pounding food in a rush. Well a long trip starts with a first step, time to get moving


I’ve always been the fat kid

Well, thank God I’m tall that’s all I can say. I hide it well. You know when you where young and you had the fat kid in school, you laughed at him, made yourself feel good because you weren’t him. Well that’s me nice to meet you. I have ALWAYS been overweight, I was almost skinny one time in my life, and that was nice but I lost it. Now don’t get me wrong it’s not a “put down the fork issue” its a “I’ve always been this way issue.” I just have never been on the light side of the scale. As a kid I didn’t know how to deal with the harassment so I put my anger into reading, learning, and staying out of people’s way. Then I got to high school, I grew almost 2 in. a year and started to fill out and realized that I could use my size as an advantage. I know not the best way to solve my problems but it got people to shut up, and that was nice. This in turn got my the nick name “angry bear,” its funny now but not then. Then about my junior year I learn the best skill ever and use still today, sarcasm. YES this was my ticket, as soon as anyone would bring up the weight issue I would beat them senseless with a sarcasm stick, and not just to the point that they would stop, I would keep going till it hurt them, bad. Then I would go home and look in the mirror and realize I had become the same person that made fun of me. Well that made me feel like crap, so what to do? Well I guess I made up my mind to stop hurting other people and just pick on myself, which started a path of denial and bouts of depression. So fast forward to today, life is a hell of a lot better. I have a wife and son, I’m still working on the anger part and haven’t had any problems with physical violence sence high school, I just like helping people too much, BUT I’m still fat. So at the age of 26 I have made I commitment to myself to see what healthy really looks like. So here it is, starting tomorrow the challenge begins 100 lbs in 14 months. No more hiding my weight and denying I’m fat. I am 6′ 3″ and 292 lbs and 43% body fat today by Aug. of 2013 I want to be 200 lbs or close to (with muscle tone) and 10-15% body fat I think (I don’t know never been there). This will be a long path for me and I hope you all join me for it, time to get healthy.